Monday, May 19, 2008

Saying goodbye

The team had put in a long hard weeks work for the Lord. Tired, but full. Poured out like water on sand yet, rewarded beyond measure. We had decided to stay for Sunday morning service and the make the long trip to Marshall, Mo in 1 day. The church was full to the brim. Pastor Don's message though long forgotten, left deep impressions. The need to study scripture much more diligently, not just skim reading. The week had taught us not by our power, but thru the power of our Lord. The need to search ones self to root out those pesky little sins (ok, some may not be so little) that we like to hold on to, that we may even feel entitled to, somehow. The need to overcome our own physical weakness or limitations, look around and be about our Father's business. Too grasp every opprotunity to help find and gather the lost, because their end is too bitter to contemplate. When it came my time to shake Pastor Don's hand and say goodbye - I could not. So very much emotion was swirling around inside, no words would come out. He looked at me with such compassion it was like he said "I know, its ok". He simply said - Thankyou. For me it was more than enough. I wanted to say no, thank you, my tears would not let me, even now years later the tears are flowing. Why? I knew there was so very much more to do. As an old paratrooper I knew I was leaving the 'battlefield' in the middle of the battle, worse I was leaving behind Gods troops, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Come monday morning they would be right back at it. One of the deepest creeds a soldier has is not to leave a fellow soldier behind. His example and those of the people in that small congregation, combined with the teams coming in from around the country had me saying - now this is what we should be doing all the time. And by we I mean, me, myself & I. To have a broken heart for those around me, in the field the Lord has placed me in. Hurting inside for the condition that they are in. The lost. Not knowing they are lost. Not knowing they are walking around in total destruction. Thank you Lord for this lesson, for this opprotunity to serve.

Since then - well, the Lord has blessed me more than I deserve, and good ole satan has done his level best to impeed, obstruct, tear down and otherwise cause havoc. his favorite saying - see, all for naught. My reply, NOT SO. I am blessed by reading 'rebuildlakeshore', 'because of grace',
'disaster relief updates' from north american mission board, being a member of the arizona southern baptist disaster relief team, completing the study 'crown financial ministry' and putting it into practice for the last almost 2 years. Taking the time and resourses the Lord has given me to study and prepare. Starting this blog by following Jamie's example. It helps me to focus my thoughts and prayers. I will of course continue to catch up to the present. Remember, Pastor Don and his team got up this morning to host several teams from around the country, to be in service to the Lord by rebuilding Lakeshore, MS, to carry on the ministry the Lord has laid before them. Pray for them. Send help to them should you be able. Go and serve with them if at all possible. But the Lord has also placed you in a field to minister and serve, are you?

Next blog: Crown Ministry

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